IEEE Kolkata Section
IEEE Kolkata Section comes under Asia-Pacific Region, the Region 10 of IEEE. The Eastern Regional Sub-Section of IEEE in India, was formed way back in 1971. It was given the name of Calcutta Sub-Section, under the Delhi Section of IEEE, India after the formation of the India Council. The Calcutta Sub-Section was later raised to the status of a full section on September 28, 1978. Over the years, the activities of IEEE Kolkata Section have increased manifold and spread through many cities and state capitals under the Section. IEEE Kolkata Section currently has 11 chapters, 2 affinity groups and more than 15 student branches . The mission of IEEE Kolkata Section is to spread IEEE activities to all remote corners through conferences and seminars, and to develop technological solutions for humanitarian challenges. The Section maintains a healthy student to member ratio and works closely and coherently with its chapters and affinity groups not only in technical, education and membership development activities but also in outreach activities.